Friday, September 07, 2007

The Weed THAT WAS (in our flower bed)

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[click here for huge size picture]
This guy was growing in our flower bed out front of the house, by the street. I left it there for a while because I thought maybe it was a melon. Cantalope or watermelon is great homegrown.
It probably wasn't going to have any type melons, or even a pumkin. So today I pulled it for the garbage guys to haul away.
It did have some little blue flowers but the vine was taking over the flower bed. It had to go, sorry.

[click picture for larger view]

[click here for huge size picture]


I have no idea what this plant is. Maybe you can identify them from these pictures. I sure would like to know what it was that I pulled up.


I might have learned its identity in my high school Ag class, if I did, I have forgotten it now. Like I have never heard of this plant or seen one before.

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