Sunday, March 31, 2019

I Live in the Fast Lane
Day Thirty-one of March Spiky Squares
[where Becky of Winchester's other entries are]

This was a "loner car" while ours was in the shop under warranty work.  It was a Cadillac XR5 with less than 1000 miles (about 840) when we picked it up.  We drove it around town and then to Jackson, Tennessee, and back.  We had permission to do this.

Becky is the keeper of the Square stuff.  March is Spiky Squares. 
The picture has to be square.  Mine is "CD Cover" squared according
to Picasa 3, my photo helper app but discontinued by Google. 
Becky's posts can be seen at the link above.
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Song of my days, Life in the Fast Lane:

YouTube Video, Joe Walsh singing "Life in the Fast Lane"
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Lyrics from AtoZ Lyrics:


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