Monday, March 04, 2019

Day Four of March Spiky Squares!
[go there to see other entries]

These iris bloom late, they always have even at our other place, for 19 years 
#SpikySquare #SpikySquares

click picture below for larger viewing (Original Photo)

We moved from Montgoery (Texas) to over here at Katy (Texas) and brought some of these iris plants for here.  The little Iris Patch in our back yard garden is SQUARE. 

We had talked of moving a few ginger roots but they have to be managed carefully or they tend to take over the whole place.  I just love those blooms in the spring, they are purple pink in color. 

For a long time we didn't know what they were, we transplanted a potted  plant from Mrs. Jim's mother's funeral.  A friend identified them for us.  I will post a picture of them when they are SPIKY.

Note:  I will post other SPIKY SQUARES posts for this month of March.  But not everyday, I have other things to do besides Blogging and being Retired.