Sunday, June 07, 2020

A Poem, Hand, Ear, and Eye

My Slapping Hand

My slapping hand is a virgin
Been plugged to my ear all it's life
It's heard nasty hurtful talking
But my hand has not slapped one time

My slapping hand a virgin still
Changing the plug now to the eye
and it's seeing injustices
of the world and ready to slap
My slapping hand will sting a bit
Virginity's film to be gone
Seeing eye
…….……..Shaping hand
…….……………………..Comes change  
_ _ _

 - Poem Copyright, Jimmiehov 2020, All Rights Reserved
 - Photo of painting Artist Alexandra Dillon, copied from Carrie's link below
 - I am linked with Carrie Van Horn at the Sunday Muse,



  1. I have great faith in our future which lies in the hands of our youth. Dreaming of a time when injustice becomes justice ... no slaps required.


  2. Let us all pray change comes, and there are no more parents teaching their children to hate; instead parents learning love from their children.

  3. Yes we must keep our eyes open and our hands ready to reach out to help. I love the message in this Jim. Hope you have a great week ahead.

  4. I so admire a man whose hand has not slapped. Bravo! Jim, your comment on my site took me back, when you mentioned payinga lot of child support. Good man. My ex was well off, the four kids and I were on welfre - he paid $100 a month, only. But he also didnt participate much in raising the kids, so it was worth it to have the peace of him seeing them only once a year for three days(his choice). Good to know other men had their priorities straight.

    1. Thank you, Sherry.
      Complements are precious.
      I started getting clothes for/with them when I discovered (she confessed) that my daughter had shop-lifted clothes for her younger brother.

  5. Good thing you weren't slap happy !

  6. May our youth do what we can't do, and may we who are older keep speaking up about injustice.
